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Christine Marie
10:06 PM
GOING HOME, COMING HOME , BIRTHDAY TRIVIA & further attempts at Narcissism
GOING HOME, COMING HOME , BIRTHDAY TRIVIA & further attempts at NarcissismBIRTHDAY TRIVIAI was born on Dec. 13, Santa Lucia Day. I knew that little fact at a very young age. I have been recently informed from my oldest sister that I was ALMOST named LUCY...but she .(THANKS JOANIE!) talked my mother out of it. I then, told her how our mother did tell me that an aunt of ours wanted me to be named "MERRY CHRISTMAS". Apparently I was supposed to be born even closer to the 25th. My Mother did not like that idea...but did embrace the energy of it with Christine Marie.What's in a name? What's in a date?It is all about energy, isn't it?So anyway, through the years I have often thought about Santa Lucia. Being Italian, I often wondered how and why SWEDEN took her on so fervently. And as you know..the life stories of the saints are always strange, surely bit distorted and who knows what to believe.Although, one thread of the story remains congruent...even though the details differ...Lucia lost her eyes. Apparently she had BEAUTIFUL eyes...and they were either plucked out by a rejected husband wanna-be...removed as part of her torture for being a Christian OR...she took them out herself...an act of martyrdom. Therefore...being the a patron SAINT of the blind (outer light-less, inner light?) as well as the saint for the HUNGRY of the world.
I do in fact feel something for LUCIA.Since childhood I was fascinated with the idea that every year on my Birthday somewhere in Sweden and in Italy...some young girl would be chosen to walk through the town in a procession with a crown of candles (light) on her head. Real candles burning gently....carrying COFFEE of all things...(one of my favorite human delights as an adult) and sweet treats in the form of saffron or cardamom buns to neighbors. The 13th being the shortest day of the year...in the real OLD days....so we can see here the Christian beliefs intertwined with pagan tradition.. .the belief being that the shortest day or the Winter Solstice was December 21, when the LIGHT/SUN/SON returns to the world. .Perhaps if we lived in a more ITALIAN neighborhood, where tradition such as this were followed religiously, (pardon the pun)...OR if we had been MORE involved with the CATHOLIC church...that we "silently" were members of...I could have been chosen at some point to be LUCIA!!!!!!!!But, since I never had the opportunity to be a part of that December 13th procession as a kid...here is my Birthday gift to myself: Hey, it's NEVER TOO LATE, right?
HOMEI grew up in Chicago, lived there for...39 years. So, when my daughter and her family decided to move back there it was a perk to know I would see Chicago every time I visited them. Last week I spent 6 days in my "hometown".As I walked up/down the streets of the Windy City, one very very windy day last week...I was impacted again with the alterations I have seen in my hometown during the last 15 years. Certainly some things seemed familiar....but they were out numbered by things that were very new...or at least "restructured, rebuilt, rehabbed" to almost just past the point of recognition. The fact that STREET names have not changed (too much) in the last years....saved me from getting totally disoriented in my HOME town!The city's essence was as I remembered... busy, crowded, fast paced...a wonderful mixture of people, cultures...incredible architecture and of course the gorgeous lake front. A mixture of sadness and oppression with a sense of opportunity and elegance was felt. But then, in any big city.. I suppose that would be evident. I still felt at home. Yet... at the same time I had a twinge of feeling like a tourist.That feeling prompted me to reminisce...of how it felt to move to Green Bay Wisconsin, from Chicago in 1994. I remember the Winters in Wisconsin. As cold and overwhelmingly snowy they were those 6 years I lived in Green Bay...the beauty of the land was breath taking. I had never experienced such bright, sunny winters. I, isolated, being snowed in on many occasions (!)...would gaze through frosty window glass at the sun reflecting off the pure white blanket of sparkling dust. It was uplifting and exhilarating. It was healing experience that changed my life forever. And...as comfortable as I felt there...(after the initial culture shock wore off) I continued to experience every excursion I took in the following 6 years as a SIGHT SEEING adventure! It was my home base...yet it was always new. Anyway...I returned from Chicago almost a week later....and stepping off the Greyhound and back in Bloomington....I realized two things:How good it felt to be HOME.And...that even after 7 years..I still feel like a tourist HERE.And that's fine.I think I will just chalk it up to being "stranger in a strange land"....planetary speaking. It is all an adventure.You know....some people really do not feel comfortable here on this earthly planeat all. It is sometimes regarded as a "highly Spiritual" phenomenon, not being comfortable in one's skin. Some say they are happier when they "travel" or communicate in the other realms.Frankly, I am uncomfortable with that idea. Certainly..it can/may be a transit point/temporary condition for many humans to feel that way. And many of us Lightworkers have experienced that and can understand the discomfort floating within the illusional chasm that exists...between the realms. Certainly as a child it felt that way. As I felt that I was "visiting"...this life and not knowing how yet...to merge all the realities that my Spirit contained.But isn't it interesting that when communicating with THEM.."over there"...THEY often remind us to BE ourselves in our HUMAN-ness, over here?. So...if the "communication" is so desirable and comfy..then why are we all not listening to the lessons that are being communicated? Why would one rather travel and communicate with the other realms...and overlook the obvious that THEY themselves are communicating? To be HUMAN is an honor.I could equate it to moving to a new country......and NEVER learning to speak that country's language. Yes, certainly we can communicate without verbiage...but that is not the point of this analogy. At least a sincere attempt at speaking a foreign language and learning the customs would signify a desire and respect for the culture and people who are your new neighbors. And in a "spiritual" sense...it would exemplify the WHOLEness...the oneness of all. Not speaking the Human Language leaves an empty hole that could otherwise be filled with the wonder and joy of being born into this time and place...for very specific reasons. Specific HUMAN reasons.Why would we respect the SPIRIT in us...but not the reason that the/our "spirit"-"soul" ...had/has for manifesting in human form? HOME is where the heart is. Where is the heart actually located? Everywhere...I enjoy the entire adventure.Certainly, I COULD be uncomfortable. I have stories and stories and more stories...explaining the variety of experiences that could have lead me in that direction! And could I be more comfortable WITH Spirit? No, I could not.Being a dimensional traveler...where I could have and at some crucial points actually made a decision whether I stayed THERE or returned to the earthly realm, I feel obliged and qualified to express these points. Still this IS my opinion..and opinions are exactly what they are:-) so bear with me. Men and women who carry on that expression of disillusionment with their humanness are illustrating much more than they think. It is not so much about being MORE comfortable with Spirit...but feeling displaced in the Human Realm.Therefore being uncomfortable with one's self, period. No it is more than just semantics.But, embracing the perpetual perspective "I am more comfortable communicating with Spirit" seems like an excuse to not learn the HUMAN language and is an attempt at hiding the real fact that one does not want to be comfortable with or even respect the HUMAN that we are. If one trusts SPIRIT so much..then...trust that COMFORT and belonging and JOY in our Human experience IS possible. This excuse seems to me...a creative way of saying that one feels a bit ABOVE it all.....this mere human-ness. But if we would all understand, truly understand that the SPIRIT realm RESPECTS us as human brothers and sisters....perhaps the chasm would diminish.And there is the ONEness. It is not so much about traveling at all...but merging the ALL that IS. And loving each and every pixel in that picture...the smaller Human picture that dissolves into the BIG picture One being not better than other. Only a point of focus.That perspective helps I think...to diminish the Ego, and the arrogance out of that phenomenon.And also is a testimony of my own ego....as I continue to exercise, on a daily basis the lesson of compassion for those who are still uncomfortable. And a testimony to my own arrogance...in regard to judging and labeling the phenomenon and those humans who are still finding discomfort in the JOY of the Oneness...beyond the words they use...but truly BEING able to FEEL it. Being it.Another rambling that was! From Chicago to Multiple realms! But I AM learning to write more succinctly and after all.......I am only human. :-)See you soon for my very SPECIAL Christmas update...but before you click off... I have been tagged again by my friend Laura at LITTLEORANGEKITCHEN! So...speaking of Narcissism...here are 7 more widely Unknown facts about myself. And this time I am tagging a friend/blogger, too! Please visit her site as well. Leila , YOU have been tagged! No pressure..if it's NOT fun forget it! 1. I would rather cook than eat. 2. I often get up during the night and walk through the house in the dark...ON PURPOSE. 3. I am intensely NOT a fan of Barbara Walters. 4. I am an obsessive tooth brusher. Just ask my dentist who told me that I have...WORN down by teeth. 5. I love anything that is...FIBER OPTIC. (like for instance my Fiber Optic mini Xmas tree that I am taking out of storage tonight) 6. I have trouble reading a book from front to back. ANY book! Often i read in sections/chapters...and then string it all together in my head. 7. I keep a box of CRAYOLA crayons handy...it is my AROMATHERAPY.
Posted by
Christine Marie
10:27 PM
Thanks for the Anomalies, Resonance & Where is the new Art??
IS THERE ANY NEW ARTWORK YOU ASK? Go to: ParallelVisions to find out!!!
Posted by
Christine Marie
12:43 AM
I AM updated! I hope you like all the changes I have made in the actual "creative structure" of the pages'. Please take time to listen to music...and feel the art on all pages. OK...well... excuse any typos, font problems...I guess it is a Halloween TRICK that the site is not letting me change styles and sizes as desired today! But not being the SITE's problem..please forgive me for any ramblings as well! You see.... I am really excited because I think I am going to take the challenge...what challenge? Well, look up at the side bar and check out: NaNoWrMo!!! But not until you are done reading here!!The HeART of CommunicationWhen I was little, I would run away in hysterics...when someone pointed a camera at me. And a video camera...would send me into complete shock.For someone who has, all her life literally CRINGED at the thought of a "recorded photo-impression" of herself...I find it interesting...that recently I have felt the desire...the need actually, to incorporate a picture of myself...into some my art. Not in all of my art. But the art that is particularly personal, "therapeutic" or cathartic.In those pieces you will see me..or a part of me...snugly placed, or pieced in..or blurred under or shadowing through . There is nothing actually ever "hidden" in the art I create. Just subtle...or soft-spoken in some.Art is an idea in FORM. A "visual effect or product of a thought". I like layered art. Whether it is paint or paper or digital-magic. Complex combinations, collages of idea, imaginative montage. Not necessarily "complicated" though.All you need to is listen. It will speak to you.Sometimes, I think....that a simple piece of art..a flower or a house...is more complicated. Simple and flat....many things UNSAID...denied or incomplete. It makes me wonder..."what is NOT being said by the artist?" But that is MY nature and attitude in regard to how humans/I think, or express ourselves creatively. Not all artists create as emotional/creative expression...therapeutically! Sometimes Beauty is enough...and I hope you feel much of that here on my pages!Pictures, creation, hidden...MASKS! Appropriate thought for this day! Being a day when masks are allowed, expected and even demanded! Like art..."costuming" ourselves can be very therapeutic. Another form of expression. Something to be worn to hide something that is less real than what we "costume" ourselves in.Sometimes, I can see that at HALLOWEEN.Subtle hints...of who we want to be...would rather be...or how we are really feeling.You say you are not wearing a mask today? Anyday?Well, maybe it's true.After all, even I cannot play poker anymore :-)...so perhaps...becoming un-masked is more of a trend that I thought.Well, I am not really sure what that rambling was all about! So do not let it deter you from reading on and looking at he rest of the pages. Lots of art..and interesting little tidbits await you!!Oh yeah...
That IS my expertise. Whether it is expressed in my ART, writing or simply breathing! But as some of you know it is VERY difficult to explain the reality/phenomenon. And so when I come across a writer/teacher that I feel has a real knack for expressing the inexpressible...I take notice! I had the pleasure of reading some of her work and have had a tiny bit of communication with her...only to find that we have some "parallels" in our shifts, too! Her article "Entering the Portal of Parallel Selves", really struck me. And guess what? She is also an artist. Pay her a visit. Deborah Robinson.
Hey... turn off that Halloween music and Click on above player for accompanying music for this article :-)It is all in the semantics...so I say: Whatever. Here is another peek into my sanctuary! I just had to include a picture of my new adventure.
Clove cigarettes have become VERY expensive. And..as to NOT limit my abundance, I am not going to say that "I cannot afford to buy them". But...upon principle..I am choosing to creatively enhance my smoking pleasure. And honestly, it is a very enjoyable and calming process. Listening to Santana or Jobim or perhaps Vivaldi, while I roll! Depends on what mood I am in, you know. I have even been known to listen to the BLUES. Hmmm, I wonder if they taste..according to the music I am playing at the time. I Will have take note next time. Certainly I could see the possibility of unconsciously adding MORE Clove to to the mixture if when am listening to Santana! Hey, you non-smokers...PLEEEEEEEEEZ do not write me about the evils of smoking. Then I would be forced to tell you how SMOKING actually saved MY life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted by
Christine Marie
4:07 PM
Posted by
Christine Marie
9:09 PM
Labels: Vibrational Efficiency
Can you be-leaf it?
It's Autumn!

Posted by
Christine Marie
6:36 PM
Labels: Long Time..., Vibrational Efficiency
Playing God...?
Posted by
Christine Marie
6:50 PM
Labels: Long Time..., Playing God, Vibrational Efficiency
How Conscious Can We Become? 05/06/07 If consciousness is self-awareness, then self will always limit one. This self, though always expanding through experience, is limited by the interplay of sense perception and thought. If consciousness is pure Being, then consciousness is all encompassing and no-thing simultaneously. This Self/Being is incomparable and cannot be described in relative terms. Evolution is a movement from self-awareness to pure being, and its expression is all form, sound, taste, smell, touch, feeling and thought. As human beings we are a borderless moving medium flowing as one with/within a borderless moving medium; and the state of equilibrium, the integration of stillness in action/reception in giving, is present consciousness - Being. self is me a ripple in a boundless sea not part, not whole yet being trough and peak a fluid movement on the surface of eternal deep As being, we are limitless. As defined beings, we are limited by perspective.

Posted by
Christine Marie
6:26 AM
Labels: Long Time..., Playing God, Smoke and Mirrors, Vibrational Efficiency