I AM updated! I hope you like all the changes I have made in the actual "creative structure" of the pages'. Please take time to listen to music...and feel the art on all pages. OK...well... excuse any typos, font problems...I guess it is a Halloween TRICK that the site is not letting me change styles and sizes as desired today! But not being the SITE's problem..please forgive me for any ramblings as well! You see.... I am really excited because I think I am going to take the challenge...what challenge? Well, look up at the side bar and check out: NaNoWrMo!!! But not until you are done reading here!!The HeART of CommunicationWhen I was little, I would run away in hysterics...when someone pointed a camera at me. And a video camera...would send me into complete shock.For someone who has, all her life literally CRINGED at the thought of a "recorded photo-impression" of herself...I find it interesting...that recently I have felt the desire...the need actually, to incorporate a picture of myself...into some my art. Not in all of my art. But the art that is particularly personal, "therapeutic" or cathartic.In those pieces you will see me..or a part of me...snugly placed, or pieced in..or blurred under or shadowing through . There is nothing actually ever "hidden" in the art I create. Just subtle...or soft-spoken in some.Art is an idea in FORM. A "visual effect or product of a thought". I like layered art. Whether it is paint or paper or digital-magic. Complex combinations, collages of idea, imaginative montage. Not necessarily "complicated" though.All you need to is listen. It will speak to you.Sometimes, I think....that a simple piece of art..a flower or a house...is more complicated. Simple and flat....many things UNSAID...denied or incomplete. It makes me wonder..."what is NOT being said by the artist?" But that is MY nature and attitude in regard to how humans/I think, or express ourselves creatively. Not all artists create as emotional/creative expression...therapeutically! Sometimes Beauty is enough...and I hope you feel much of that here on my pages!Pictures, creation, hidden...MASKS! Appropriate thought for this day! Being a day when masks are allowed, expected and even demanded! Like art..."costuming" ourselves can be very therapeutic. Another form of expression. Something to be worn to hide something that is less real than what we "costume" ourselves in.Sometimes, I can see that at HALLOWEEN.Subtle hints...of who we want to be...would rather be...or how we are really feeling.You say you are not wearing a mask today? Anyday?Well, maybe it's true.After all, even I cannot play poker anymore :-)...so perhaps...becoming un-masked is more of a trend that I thought.Well, I am not really sure what that rambling was all about! So do not let it deter you from reading on and looking at he rest of the pages. Lots of art..and interesting little tidbits await you!!Oh yeah...
Trick or Treat!!!!
Parallel-lellaraP Realities
That IS my expertise. Whether it is expressed in my ART, writing or simply breathing! But as some of you know it is VERY difficult to explain the reality/phenomenon. And so when I come across a writer/teacher that I feel has a real knack for expressing the inexpressible...I take notice! I had the pleasure of reading some of her work and have had a tiny bit of communication with her...only to find that we have some "parallels" in our shifts, too! Her article "Entering the Portal of Parallel Selves", really struck me. And guess what? She is also an artist. Pay her a visit. Deborah Robinson.
Instant Gratification, Creative Distraction OR Addiction?
Hey... turn off that Halloween music and Click on above player for accompanying music for this article :-)It is all in the semantics...so I say: Whatever. Here is another peek into my sanctuary! I just had to include a picture of my new adventure.
Clove cigarettes have become VERY expensive. And..as to NOT limit my abundance, I am not going to say that "I cannot afford to buy them". But...upon principle..I am choosing to creatively enhance my smoking pleasure. And honestly, it is a very enjoyable and calming process. Listening to Santana or Jobim or perhaps Vivaldi, while I roll! Depends on what mood I am in, you know. I have even been known to listen to the BLUES. Hmmm, I wonder if they taste..according to the music I am playing at the time. I Will have take note next time. Certainly I could see the possibility of unconsciously adding MORE Clove to to the mixture if when am listening to Santana! Hey, you non-smokers...PLEEEEEEEEEZ do not write me about the evils of smoking. Then I would be forced to tell you how SMOKING actually saved MY life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Christine! LOL That sure is the PERFECT music for the clove cigarette part !! Great blog.... ~Happy Samhain, I always loved Bloomington in Fall! Janice
I'm a big fan of "accoutrements" and love your c-love rolling stash. Santana is perfect! I love the clove dish!!!
When are you going to continue your story ? I was browsing around on the other dimensions of your blog---that was a wild story about Mother's day! WOW. I guess that was when I still was in Bloomington? Ok, catchya later,
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