If you don't get the title of this will after you watch the first of the following three videos. If you choose to view them at all.
Why on earth...with all of what is going on in the world at this time would I be posting of all things...THE VIDEOS BELOW??
Beyond the obvious, I mean. THEY are SEASONALLY CORRECT...and they certainly DO bring back sweet memories of childhood FOR MANY OF US... and OUR children's childhoods, which would be our EARLY PARENT-HOOD!
But, there's more to it. The Winter Holidays have a strange effect on people.This season reveals itself for Each of us in a personal way. Things that one can over look all year long, all of sudden become very important at this time of year. Past events that at one time have had you emotionally strung out begin to run again on that video screen in your mind. Your old movies your private little cinema. (So, it is not all about "soundtracks" of our lives..sometimes we need to "get the picture" too!)
What I have always liked about the main character in this Christmasy film, is how honest he could be about what he was "feeling" in the moment. No matter what was expected of him, he could not play poker. And actually, in a world where we are asked constantly to "fit in", suck it up and deal with reality...coming to terms with one's true feelings is a bigger deal AND more of a reality than what we are seeing and hearing in the world around us. He is not in denial of anything. And yet..he is not trying to "prove anything" either. He is real. He, along with the rest of the "cast", show us that our perception is the key and that our inner lives, no matter what they look like is the only thing that truly BELONGS to us. And only when one can open that door to the "true heart" of who we are, can we then even begin to understand humanity. And the meaning of being here now. Generally, Loving-Kindness, Compassion and Good Will are the electrified symptoms of this matter what religion you practice. (I am not going into commercialism and consumerism today. There is no room for that illusion in this article. ) It is about being at peace and Being at home.
Christianity teaches us that the Light of the World/the SON is born. If we celebrate SOLSTICE, we are reminded that the LIGHT/SUN is returning. Personally I understand and accept those and any variation of that symbolism. Seems to me, it does not matter if one is Christian, Buddhist, Methodist, Lutheran...(the list goes on, but I will not)...the heart of the HOLIDAY season, is simply and only about our Human Spirit.
That SPIRIT which resides in your incredibly perfect and unbelievably efficient human body. The Spirit that moves the heart and the mind of you, when you are feeling creative, joyful, sad, selfish, nostalgic, repentive, self-less or angry. Emotions, (one extreme to another), feelings, intuitions, dreams, degrees of awareness we all may feel, at any given moment... moves through us via SPIRIT. We are moved by Spirit. We are RE-mind-ed by Spirit of things we need to know at specific times. Things to be healed, shared or simply to look at in a new light. Our HOLY-DAYS "reminder" is what we bring us back to our own inner light...within our human consciousness, in simple, earthly ways, that vary in their importance and appearance. Painful retrieval of emotions for a final healing; a mere memory revisiting us to remind us of where we have been in this life and how we got HERE. That Spirit is LIGHT. IT does not have to return to US. It IS us.
Honestly, did I get ALL of that from the animated-block-head you may watch in the video? Well, let's just say it moved in me what I already knew. It was a reminder.
And I ask you, where did he get IT from? His Creator... perhaps.
Go least watch the first one. It is only a few minutes long. And...the music...!
I would love to hear your comments and input regarding YOUR holidays. How is the Spirit moving you?
Thanks for the memories...what a flashback. Even the voices sound different though, odd.
I feel a certain amount of spirit flowing through me these days, but oddly enough it's more focused on me this year. Usually I get so caught up in the swirl that I forget to enjoy it...I told myself that this would be the year I take some alone time to appreciate things privately. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Quiet moments alone.
Love the new look of the blog!
OH what a great great post. I love this the best ..."Loving-Kindness, Compassion and Good Will are the electrified symptoms of this matter what religion you practice. I am so in with what you articulated because it stresses core spirit, and the commonality of it all for us as humans. I think it's important because holidays can further divide us from each other, and can also divide us from ourselves if we get caught up in all the commercialism. i loved the videos-thank you so much for posting that. I hadn't seen it in years, and its amazing to me how such a simple cartoon (simple even in technology i might add!) just gets more and more profound as the years past. Thanks for these wise reminders and musings. Janice
ps LOVE all the festivities going on over here!
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