So much for keeping my BLOGS simple and succinct!
Well...seems as though I may have found my niche here. Combining words, art and music...IS a passion. And...on the LIGHT-screen, too? Can it get any better?
The following are several little ramblings that I just HAD to share with you.
Life has been full of interesting little tidbits, just popping in from all sides lately.
Can't complain...if it had not been so "interesting"...I would have had to THINK more about what to write!!
But first...
Speaking of are some lovely words sent to me from Grace Chapman who was moved by the RANDOM ASCENSION article:
How Conscious Can We Become? 05/06/07 If consciousness is self-awareness, then self will always limit one. This self, though always expanding through experience, is limited by the interplay of sense perception and thought. If consciousness is pure Being, then consciousness is all encompassing and no-thing simultaneously. This Self/Being is incomparable and cannot be described in relative terms. Evolution is a movement from self-awareness to pure being, and its expression is all form, sound, taste, smell, touch, feeling and thought. As human beings we are a borderless moving medium flowing as one with/within a borderless moving medium; and the state of equilibrium, the integration of stillness in action/reception in giving, is present consciousness - Being. self is me a ripple in a boundless sea not part, not whole yet being trough and peak a fluid movement on the surface of eternal deep As being, we are limitless. As defined beings, we are limited by perspective.
I have experienced recently the gift of being a witness to true Unhappiness. It is a subtle thing you know...Unhappiness.
It shows itself as fear and doubt. As distrust and blame. Cruelty and coldness. Control and manipulation.
We all have our moments...of being not quite in the light-hearted space that we would like to be. Surely, we must feel our feelings. Life is not always EASY. This is why we are here, to EXPERIENCE and grow.
But there are those...who cannot seem to lift them selves up and out of their self created chaos...not even for a moment. The density that lurks in their hearts has become their best friend. It seems as though they have covered their hearts with a thick fog and poured it into their minds, this odd, dense, smokey ethereal liquid... that dampens any hint of joy and dims any point of light that might try to permeate their familiar darkness.
This might sound a bit dramatic......but there is a method to my drama!
You noticed...I called this witnessing a GIFT. And truly it is.
Surely, we are human and we feel human emotions...
But ... ask do you really feel? What is the basic emotion you feel, most of the time? What is your level of contentment? Trust? Happiness? Peace? How far off "center" does the "unexpected" in your life throw you?
In watching closely those who simply cannot seem to take on a different perspective or even want to try...and do not appear to have the desire to look into their hearts and ask...WHY AM I SO MISERABLE....?( because certainly... all their Unhappiness must be the fault of the events and people around them), I cannot help but wonder...what horrible, dark human misconception has led them to this lie? This very sad lie.
What have they NOT real-eyes-ed, yet?
What is it about the FREEDOM of seeing TRUTH, that scares them so much. Does the light threaten them ...because they truly have become permanent residents in their self made heart of darkness on earth? And the flicker of some light of truth that may begin to enter their help heal...or to show them another way...doesn't only send them running away in the other direction..... but some would do all they can to squelch that light. Because you see, that LIGHT cannot be trusted, either.
Yes, I know...this does sound dramatic...and perhaps judgemental, too. But...let me soften it all by telling you what I truly believe...
Nothing is random. All is purposeful. A path is THE path, whether one knows it or not. And so....if NOTHING is random...(and I do believe that), and if ALL is purposeful, then THOSE who feel that deep discontent in their hearts are ON their path too...purposefully and completely IN their lessons. And if they never come out of the seeming darkness into the light...well then..their PATH is theirs to claim. And who am I to judge what is the RIGHT thing for them in their personal life experience?
Am I saying that some humans are here to simply be miserable? Hmmmm. What kind of GIFT is that for them? I really do not have the answer to that...even if I may be tempted to teach, preach, help, heal. I do not know what their path is SUPPOSED to look like.
All I know is THIS:
I am gifted with new sight...
in witnessing those who appear to be...the blind ones.

In my of the misconceptions of the Ascension teachings, is the idea that one is "waiting" to ascend. That we are simply preparing for the GRAND FINALE and in the meantime we need to do as much energy work, take as many workshops as possible, cleanse our "systems" continually, breathe only fresh air, drink the purist of water (certainly neither of which would be found in the city:-), and pray and meditate and tone and dowse ourselves with essential oils every day..and certainly...if we do good..really discipline ourselves in all these ways and more..........THEN we can ASCEND.
LIFE is not good enough right now...and so...we have this higher dimensional carrot of light dangling in front of us... (what a visual)...just knowing that once we get that carrot, all of life will magically, dramatically change and it will then be "worth living". No more problems or pain.
Some Ascension "seekers" seem to believe that some kind of 5th Dimensional possible. That all we are doing right now in the moment is "preparing" for the big day. Much like the "Rapture" scenario that some Christian sects entertain. Or HEAVEN as the final resting place where one can finally be with GOD. That is if you are GOOD while you are on this earth. And even so...we are all sinners anyway..some would say.
Some ASCENSION addicts, oooh, that sounds harsh. Oh well too late now...some ASCENSION addicts think that one can OVERRIDE the pretending that the things we EXPERIENCE do not matter. That since it is all an ILLUSION anyway...all we have to do is DETACH from the IDEA that it matters at all.
So what I would hope to shed light on in my own little way is to remind you that ASCENSION is HAPPENING. It is the light and the dark. It is the PAIN and the contentment. It is the experience of LIFE and how we perceive that experience in every MOMENT. Ascension is NOT about reaching a Going to HEAVEN. No, in fact it is bringing the truth of HEAVEN, the IDEA/ideal down to earth. DESCENSION is bringing the light into our, right now. We are HUMANIZING THE LIGHT, remember? How can we do that if we are always waiting to LIFT OFF? :-)
There is no MAGICAL remedy for the malady called LIFE on earth. And the Spiritual path is not meant to "take us away" or "out of life". More provokes us into "diving deeply" (There's that phrase again, ) into what we are feeling, seeing and being addressed our everyday, "mundane" lives.
Ascension is about the illusion of MAGIC transforming into the MIRACULOUS.
A Magician creates illusions to lead us to believe that something has changed. Well, it does have it's purpose. Even the teasing affect an illusionist has on our senses...changes our perception somewhat in regard to what is Real ...and what is not. And the mystery of how he/she does it...tweaks our curiosity and prompts us to "want to know more". We wonder about it, ask questions, try to "figure it out". We are fascinated with the Magicians illusions!
Our illusions have their purpose, too.
Time is an illusion. Space, too!
Get the drift?
But, when the idea of the Miraculous is introduced.....we are allowed to see all of the illusion...witness the incongruencies as well as the fascination and the mystery..AND...embrace it ALL as perfect. Not worrying so much of HOW it is done or why or how we can figure it out.
Ascension writings tell us of how we are waking out of the dream...into a new reality. Now...even that reality is a dream in long as we reside on this earthly plane..we are dreamers of the dream within the dream called life. Where does it end? I do not think it does.
But a new consciousness can emerge...when we even hold the IDEA that that we are dreamers of THE dream. Even thinking the possibility opens us up...expanding our that we may experience the Miracle of life itself. Thought is real.
That new consciousness that can emerge is the MIRACULOUS consciousness.
The MIRACULOUS permanently shifts our perception so that we may LOVE the illusion as it is.
The MIRACULOUS IS the shift, itself.
Do we live an ILLUSION called life?
We ARE illusions, intricately designed holograms...that are divinely imbued with the potential of becoming real.
WE ARE illusions. We are MIRACLES.
We just forgot. We are here, in this life, on this the grand illusion...
so we can remember.
All beautiful. All purposeful. All one and ALL NOW.
He was right.

Some things, you would never discover about yourself, unless you take some risks.
The SPIRITUAL PATH is only "safe" in that we are continually guided. But not "safe" in the human distinction between what will or will not necessarily feel "good".
Yes, there ARE signs along the way to direct us. Not force us IN to a specific direction...against our will. But signs as pay attention, listen and perhaps...step forward, or backward, or order to embrace the fullness of this life.
Walking, running, gliding, sometimes "stumbling"...on a Spiritual Path, we learn about certain traditions, ritual, belief systems...and work very diligently to become the person we think, we are supposed to be. More enlightened. More compassionate. More successful. More SPIRITUAL. And so...along that path, that one might stumble or glide...after decades perhaps of running into some walls, tripping over rocks...crashing into mountains of obstacles... we learn of course, all of those seeming BLOCKS, detours or "accidental collisions" were part of the path...uniquely designed for us. Designed for ...each of us individually ...allowing every opportunity to discover... remember, our unique purpose/s in this life. )
When we finally understand that the path, the Journey is NOT about BECOMING...but remembering...WHO we ARE, right now in this moment.... We may then... have a revelation.
We have been looking ahead. We have been looking behind us. Gaging our past and future...taking inventory of how much we have raised our lives, minds, hearts...spirits.
Have you looked...along the either side? Left, right...what lines the path?
Look..... we have sometimes very unconsciously been shown our reflection...the clearest reflection of our deepest self...not in the obvious lessons, or the NEON signs, but in the eyes of those people we meet along that path. As they too...are the path itself. We are all connected in some way...words cannot really capture the vastness of our ONEship.
So...look deeply into the eyes of one that that you meet along the way. One that may not be aware that you have been trying for so long to BECOME...or trying so hard to AVOID your truth!
The eyes of those who walk with you...the see, makes the path what it is. With out them...we would simply be walking around in circles...wondering when this journey will end.
Are these "human sign posts" randomly placed? No. They are strategically placed along your path, so when you are ready..the reflection you need to see, at that moment will be seen. If you look. If you dare. If you for one small moment in time...take a risk...let down your guard...and get a different perspective...
What you see in that reflection may surprise you. It might sadden you. It might give you great joy.
Watch your responses. Feel your energy as you look into the mirrors.
IS that reflection familiar?
Does that reflection remind you of something you cannot relate to?
Does it remind you that there is something more than meets the eye?
Either way...we will see clearly,
what defines us in our reality.
Even when those eyes are filled with Unhappiness...
...there YOU are.
in the eyes of another.

1 comment:
I am so blown away by this, your beautiful blog and all it's pages. I am, in some ways, one of those people who is cozying up a little too closely with hurt and pain...something familiar. I do not like this aspect of myself, yet I see it there. I also love investigating the illusion...I always have, but it really is time to let it just be there and not try to figure it out.
Your Mother's Day collage is incredible and the story that goes with it even more so. Such honesty.
Thank you for sharing all of it with us.
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