

Hey, what happened?
Yesterday (Tuesday) I was sitting in the park enjoying the warmth of a golden sun...on my face. Today, I woke up shivering! Oh yeah, it IS almost the middle of October isn't it? Well, this could be it...let's try to embrace the change of season. But whew, time does fly when you're having SUN! ! :-)
I had been under the impression that this Autumn/Winter may be warmer than usual...I may have to simply accept the fact that a partial Sunny Autumn...will help warm my Winter in any case.. Warm memories are at least permanent treasures of the heart. Oh well...all I can say now is.... Ce La Vie'. Time to take out the sweaters and move the socks from the back of the drawer to the front...for easy access. I will play my favorite "WARM" MUSIC (click on that, if you want an idea of what I call WARM !) ... And in lieu of having a fireplace..will light some candles in each room and certainly will be basking in the glow of the "Lightscreen" and perhaps...just perhaps...start writing one of those books that have been spinning around in MY head...for quite some time. Comfort at the Lightscreen
Speaking of writing...
There is much congruency in all the Ascension Writing that I have been keeping up with...All the popular writers have similar information. One interesting correspondence is in regard to "Creating Our Sanctuaries"...and if that means recreating where you reside...OR moving to a new location...it is all about what feels right. And of course, Vibrational Efficiency is surrounding ourselves with all things...people and even ideas (music, art, nature) ...that mirror to us who we are.
A peek into my sanctuary!
Although there is some layering here... What feels "right" is often based on the PAST...and who we have BEEN. And now...we are being encouraged to expand our realties..which includes our very human 3D comfort zones. So....again...as always as it is with these darn SHIFTS of consciousness...we continue to ask ourselves questions...deeply investigating where we are really coming from...in order to clarify "where we are going".
And the only way to do that, I think..is to KNOW who and where we are, right NOW. Honesty with oneself is the key, even if it is uncomfortable. For it is only a temporary discomfort that will lead to lasting peace.
That's all the pseudo wisdom you are getting from me this update!
There is new music, of course to listen to at PARALLEL VISIONS...while you peruse a couple of new works of ART on the same page...and I hope you do. Please...Don't forget to leave a comment! I was thrilled to see some the last time..and MANY of you responded to the update email with such wonderful words! But..if you comment right on the page...(see the "comment" link under each post)...then others can read them too.
I have been TAGGED! Yep, my good friend LAURA at My Little Orange Kitchen ( visit her fantastically creative, insightful and humorous BLOG) has invited me in a BLOG-like manner to Post "7 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT MYSELF". COULD I PASS UP AN INVITATION LIKE THIS, TO TALK ABOUT MYSELF, IN SUCH A REFLECTIVE AND HUMOROUS MANNER? I THINK NOT!!! :-)
Sounded like fun...so......HERE I GO!!
1. Anniversary! 7 years ago this November...I purchased my very first COMPUTER. On Thanksgiving eve...I made my first journey into the UNIVERSE, via the INTERNET. I had NO idea, I would ever care about anything computer related. I was simply "learning the ropes"...so I could write emails...and so I would speak the same language my son already was already fluent in! HA! We all know where THAT has led me!
2. MUSIC/ART/MUSIC/ART/MUSIC/ART is the brick and mortar that continually rebuilds, recreates MY sanctuary.
3. I LOVE WORDS. I love the sound of them..the tones and the meanings within the meanings. When I make up words...which I often do, I feel I am freeing them from their little cages.
Made-up Words
are little Birds...
enjoying their first flight.
4. When I was in 3rd grade...I started signing my school work papers "MARIA". I wanted to change my name based on the fact that I had just seen "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" on Broadway and The movie..."WEST SIDE STORY", and I KNEW I would be a perfect MARIA in either role.
I memorized all the lyrics and most of the scripts! Oh well...I missed my chance on Broadway & the Silver Screen......but maybe the MARIA role unfolded in a different way, huh? (By the way, my 3rd grade teacher was a GEM...and she let me use my fantasy name...until the principle found out. Thanks Ms. Jacqueline Schutlz for nurturing my creativity and my fantasy life!)
5. I only have... hmmm...one , what I would call actual, REAL regret about my life. But it's a dooozy. :-) :-(
6. I have two sisters. 20 and 15 years older than me. We did not get to reeeely know each other very well...during my childhood..being the age difference and living situations, etc. But now...we are catching up. And one way this is happening is through this BLOG! Again...Happy anniversary to me. :-)
(Hi Joanie...Hi Carol!!)
7. As much as I love to use my BRAIN...I admit that I still embrace the brilliance of the MYSTERY. I like the balance, I need them both. That is my true Sanctuary.
OK...enough about me...time to go listen and look: PARALLEL VISIONS

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