Thanks for the Anomalies, Resonance & Where is the new Art??
~~"THANK YOU", I say to Spirit..."for all the things I can see and understand. The things I see and do not understand
all the things I cannot see. Yet."
"...with music defined as basically communication (speaking directly to the heart, feelings & intuition), it follows that a musician is someone who can use the vehicle of sound to say something, to present meaning through music, and evoke a response in the hearer. But what does he communicate? Where do these abstract concepts come from? They come from his true mystical experience. For the musician must also be a mystic."
The Silent Encounter, p.164
Well, you may have already guessed that I LOVE music. ALL kinds of music. As a child, there was OFTEN a musical background while everyday, mundane things were taking place. It would have been classical, the Rat Pack, Jazz or the current pop music on the radio. (If you are
wondering what/who the RAT PACK is/are...write me so I can respond with appropriate reprimanding :-)
I clearly remember my father listening in awe to opera and calling my attention to the "beautiful voice"and explaining how it is not only talent but discipline to nurture a gift such as that. Then, perhaps later in the same day...he would be enjoying a song sung by Dean Martin as he sat in his easy chair while smoking a cigar.
The variety of music in the house included pieces from famous ballets. My sister, who was a ballet dancer probably had some influence there. As I got older, I was the one who put the records on and listened to the ballets...and as a teenager my choice of music was eclectic. I listened to the "whoever" was popular at the time for teens. But the "expected" musical menu of a teen was peppered with all of what I had learned to appreciate as a child. And more. I had an interest in WORLD music...many years before it was called that. Soundtracks to ALL movies and plays...such a West Side Story and Sound of Music, My fair Lady. By the time I was 12, I had memorized every song form all three and had in mind a "Broadway" career. {Unfortunately, I missed that calling...only to become quite dramatic and a relentless HAM in many other ways. :-) }
I was 16 when I discovered Antonio Carlos Jobim and it has been a love affair ever since. I felt the music carefully and listened to the lyrics..." poetry set to music"...with deep concentration. MUSIC has ALWAYS been an important part of my life. It has been a friend.
And there's more.
I am not sure at what point it began, but...there has always been music in my head. Almost as if I have been living in a Broadway Musical. You know, where the leading actress is just walking down the street like a normal person and then all of sudden, out of drifts in from somewhere...and she breaks into song? Well, no...I did not actually ever do that that. And well yes, during any conversation...if someone makes a statement that vaguely reminds me of a song...I will remark about it. But it does not necessarily spark my own personal off-Broadway production, on the spot:-)
Back to the subject:
The music in my head has not always been a popular melody or a musical piece that I could name. Sometimes it was just...a mysterious melody.
So..I have had a SOUNDTRACK for my life...and it had been so natural...I never really "noticed" it, until... at some point in my early twenties, when I became curious and began researching what exactly music does for us on the mental, emotional AND physical level.
And my early thirties when my "gifts' started to accelerate, and the messages started to come more frequently and it became less easy to ever get away from them...the volume of the music got louder, too.
Where did it come from? Did I really miss my calling to be a musician?
In 1998 When my personal LIGHTBODY activations came about with full force...I did not only hear MUSIC. But began hearing tones and sounds that I could not describe. And then the "hearing" of music evolved, as well. I was not hearing with my ears. And the music was not just in my head. I was hearing with my whole body, my heart and my spirit.
Since is just an everyday occurrence, that music of mine. recent years the messages from Spirit often come in song or melody when I least expect it. Sometimes, upon awakening...a lovely melody drifts in that I cannot name...but hear clearly. Sometimes and often they precede an event in my life that I do not expect. It could be the mood of the music, that determines the message...the style, the title or the instrument(s) I hear being played.
One cold January morning..I woke with lovely, melancholy melody that was so beautiful...still half asleep...I said out loud, "What beautiful guitar music". They, (spirit in charge at the moment :-) ..quickly corrected me by gently saying..."No, it's a mandolin". And by the was a precursor to something I did not expect.
I do not have the answers as to WHY or HOW, in MANY ways music has been such an important part of my life. All I know is that it IS. And when only a few years ago... my guides told me that I was using a new "thread" of energy in the Healing Energy Work I was doing and that it was to be MY "signature" energy....
I was not reeeely surprised when they told me I was to call it...MUSIELight
Just last year a good friend of mine decided it might be time for me to try to compose/ play some of that MUSIC IN MY HEAD. So now..I have a beautiful Electronic keyboard in my room. The magic sounds of many instruments at my finger tips. And yes, I have played...and strung together some of my inner melodies. They are "stored" in the Keyboard. Have not "recorded" any yet. I seem to have a block there! What's up with that?
Well, maybe I am not supposed to "record" them for anyone else to hear but me.
Or maybe...just like with music, it's all in the timing!
So what does music do for you? And how does it play a part in your life? Or not?
You may not have stories such as mine and it does not matter. Music speaks to us in unique ways for special reasons. If you are thinking."I just listen to music because I enjoy it, what's the big deal?" There is no BIG deal. this time of self-evolving and truly knowing and BEING.. could be interesting and fun to know why the attraction to a particular piece of music, instrument or style exists and why it moves you.
Here are titles to books I have found through the years that moved me, in regard to MUSIC. (the first one, I read in my early twenties!!! is still today...on my bookshelf!))
~THE SILENT ENCOUNTER, Reflections on Mysticism
Virgina Hanson
This book, out of print now...has chapters on The element of mysticism in Art, Music, Poetry and Creativity. And is actually a profound read on Mysticism in general.
Cyril Scott
This one speaks a lot on Classical music/composers and it's effect on us emotionally. "Heady" but simple.
~MUSIC: The keynote of Human Evolution
Corrinne Heline
This one: an "early" new ager. Speaks of many musical ideas from Indian music to music from ...LEMURIA!
Remember OLIVER SACKS? Sure you do!
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat", among many other phenomenal writings. His book "AWAKENINGS" inspired the movie with the same name, that starred Robin Williams.
His new book is called "MUSICOPHILIA"...and you can learn more about it and hear a excerpt if you click on this link.
I have not read it yet..but cannot wait to get a copy! The new book is about how music effects us on an emotional level and how the brain works with, hears and uses music. Did you know that the brain of a musician differs physically from that of a non-musical person? Did you know that some people, cannot HEAR music? I will not tell you more...if you want to will check it out for yourself.
You might enjoy the following links as well. He seems to be a wonderful speaker as well as a writer.
IS THERE ANY NEW ARTWORK YOU ASK? Go to: ParallelVisions to find out!!!
This is such a great post. I always associate you with music and no particular kind...From Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin to Ottmar Liebert and Lisa Theil!
Somehow in all the shuffle yesterday your new Blog announcement/link got erased-but i know I was not dreaming- it had to do with music, and music in your head-
it was so timely- hahahaha yesterday was the first day they piped in music for us at work- now picture this, it is already so loud that on many days I wear earplugs most of the day- now the music has to be louder than the noise-hmm, no need to say more-hahaha but having read your blog briefly before I went to work, with my earplugs in, i investigated to see what instrument pleased me more than others-which parts of songs i liked better(as far as instruments and tones and patterns etc..) so your words helped me to amuse myself all day-I was also reminded of the many days when I amuse myself by humming-the tune is made up as I go-long drawn out melodies that i make up as i go-some I have hummed so many times that i recognize them as they come out- hahaha I have experinced the tunes in my head that need to be written- they came to me at 5 AM at work, and I had to write them down as they were compelling -not having any musical training in notes, I wrote them down as dots-dots that go up and down and in that way convey the tune- hahahha primitive, but it worked- I came up with a complete version for The Lord's Prayer(you may remember)-and there were a couple of more complete little songs after that- some conveyed joy, and some conveyed a sadness that I was not aware to be mine-
years ago, before I figured out the dot system, every now and then this beautiful song would surface but I had no way to capture it and I forgot how it went- i really did not want to lose that one-it seemed important somehow-
as far as feeling like you are on a stage, how that brings back memories- hahahah I never got the music, but as a child so often i felt like I was on stage- people watching me- hahaha in my own movie- it was still strong at 12 and 13, but i can't remember when it stopped, or if it has altogether- I will be watching to see-hahahah
as always, thank you for your guidance
isn't it amazing how we are all connected? hahahahaha
Wow Christine! This is a fantastic post in so many ways! I always wondered about what the connection was between you and music- I knew you weren't on the scene as a performer, but was so aware somehow of how KEENLY attuned to music you are- the depth in which you listen and respond to it is on the caliber of a professional musician! So, it was very interesting for me to learn some more about you and your relationship with music. Thanks for the books too. I have always been fascinated with the fact that tones have colors as well....and then of course, that gemstones actually resonate to certain tones as well. I had some awesome healing work done with tuning forks in Green Bay- so I'm right there with you and the power of it all. Brava! ~ Janice
Soundtracks to our lives!
(Now if I can just get that new tune I'm learning out of my head I just MIGHT be able to hear my soundtrack!)
Awesome, Christine....keep writing!
love, jj
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