The first wavers are the healers and speakers, movers,
shakers... that dove into the work, in a big way, during the
seventies & eighties. A large number went in...after the Harmonic
convergence of 1987. And now, THEY are experiencing some interesting phenomenon in their lives.
(besides feeling a bit fatigued. :-)
There is anticipation to start continue perhaps
with some other endeavors that were put on the "back burner" for many years. The dedication of these Lightworkers, in MY opinion has
gone beyond what many of them could
even conceive of..when they commenced on this more
"conscious path". They did not even know then, that they "had it in them" push forward, sometimes against some very trying odds.
Symptoms of first wavers
NEW-direction may be..a desire or even a deeply felt need to
investigate more wholeheartedly into their
creative abilities. Writing, art in various Perhaps devoting more time to family..or creating one for the first time!
The relationship that had been "somewhere out there"...may invite itself in the first wavers' lives are not as "wrapped around" the
Not all of them will be "leaving". Not necessarily "waving" goodbye...but simply moving over. Perhaps even quietly navigating into the 3D world in new and innovative ways.
The WORK is now...merged with their everyday, 3D life.
they are equipped to move in the 3D with a sense of peace and contentment... that will be received by the world at their example, their mere BEINGness. They have been "re-born".
A re-calibration of a SOULular kind, that has "bled through"... to many others. They have learned to "operate from a high level" way
beyond what they thought capable
of...when they commenced on this more "conscious path".
After years of "holding the space" and Upholding the vibration,
sifting and transmuting the SPIRITUAL/ emotional bodies of self,
other humans and the planet itself..they can now release the
The SECOND and THIRD Wave Lightworkers are those students, Friends and supporters...that are now willing and ready to take the reins and use what they have continue the work in their own unique way..forging ahead...assisting in the next 50 years on our evolving planet.
with their heartfelt wishes held gently in their hands...
anything can happen. So now is the time to step aside,
indeed. And to
allow life to nurture them....for a change. Perhaps you
will bump into one of them, they are usually
quite normal, except for the LIGHT in their
Support your Local First Wavers.
They have been watching over you.
For more information on FIRST WAVE LIGHTWORKERS, simply Google
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